We find the idea of a modest wedding to be really dull; there is no entertainment, no large gathering, no music, and a poor site. What?
Despite the fact that Islam encourages us to have modest marriages, our extravagant weddings show that marriage is anything but simple!
There is more to a marriage than just enjoying wonderful cuisine, music, or fun! It is the way you begin your life with commitments, ideals, and expectations.A wonderful wedding does not guarantee a happy life, and vice versa.
In the days of our Prophet, weddings were straightforward occasions. If someone lacked the funds to host even a modest feast, everyone would bring their own food to participate in the joy and offer best wishes for a fresh start.It was even permissible for the groom to teach the bride some Quranic verses as a mahr (wedding gift). Nowadays, we despise those whose wedding venues don't appear suitable, and we wouldn't even want to go! Nowadays, poverty is more closely linked to simplicity, but is it still a shame if someone is impoverished? The way our culture denigrates the impoverished even damages their self-esteem as though they have committed a crime!
Don't burden yourself and your parents with financial obligations. It is not necessary to postpone your wedding for years in order to save thousands of dollars, just to spend all of that hard-earned money on a single day.
prevents needless tension before and after the wedding, which prevents you from enjoying life's greatest moments.
provides ample time for enjoyment, allowing you to greet your visitors in person, deliver your required prayers in peace, What if you were missing your prayers on the day that matters most to you? Why? You need to be on stage for your visitors, even if it means missing your salah, and you are so overdressed in that stifling heavy dress, tons of jewelry, makeup, and high heels that you can barely move without assistance!
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