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As a daughter-in-law of a Muslim, what are your obligations ? 6, Jul 2024

As a daughter-in-law of a Muslim, what are your obligations ?

  1. The responsibilities and function of a daughter-in-law in a Muslim household might change depending on personal relationships, family expectations, and cultural customs. Nonetheless, from an Islamic standpoint, a daughter-in-law's actions and obligations are guided by a few broad concepts. Islamic teachings on family, respect, and shared rights and obligations serve as the foundation for these values. The following are some essential duties:

    Respect for Elders:
    Treat your husband's parents and other family elders with dignity and respect. Islam emphasizes the need of showing love and respect to parents and elders.

  2. Assistance in Household Duties: Participate in duties and chores around the house. This covers things like cleaning, cooking, and other household chores. However, depending on cultural and familial traditions, expectations in this area can differ greatly.

  3. Maintaining Family Harmony: Make an effort to keep the family dynamic harmonious and tranquil. Steer clear of confrontations and make an effort to settle disputes peacefully.

  4. Supporting Your Husband: Offer your spouse emotional support and work together to make decisions that will impact the family. Islam promotes spousal collaboration and partnership.

  5. Observance of Islamic Values: Respect the ideals and values of Islam in all that you do. This entails praying on a regular basis, acting modestly, and performing charitable and nice deeds.

  6. Caring for Children: Assume accountability for your children's upbringing and general well-being if you have any. Islam holds parents responsible for ensuring their children are raised properly.

  7. Maintaining Privacy and Modesty: Honor your own modesty and privacy as well as that of the family members. Islam emphasizes the significance of upholding proper boundaries and modest conduct.

  8. Visiting and Staying Connected: Make an effort to visit and stay connected with your own parents and relatives while maintaining a balance with your responsibilities in your husband's family.

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